Alan William Parkes 1960-2019 (S 74-77)
The OS Club is sad to announce the passing of Alan Parkes (S 74-77), who died in November this year, in Taiwan, aged 58. Please see below an obituary written by his friend David Culley.
Words such as flamboyant and extrovert could be used to describe Alan Parkes (son of G.H.F.’Bobby’ Parkes) – sadly Alan passed away last week in Taiwan, a country he’d lived in for some 10 years. Alan was born on December 21st 1960, into what could be described as an automotive family. Father Bobby was a director of Small & Parkes, manufacturers of brake and clutch materials – their company subsequently bought by Cape Industries (BBA Mintex). Automotive notables such as Sir William Lyons and Jaguar E-Types were among family friends.
Alan attended Sedbergh School from 1974 until 1977, boarding in Sedgwick House. In 1977 Alan was a member of the house rugby (juniors) team and he also won the coveted Formby Cup at Altcar (a training camp for cadets) for the highest individual score in shooting. He was born to a French mother and has a sister, Julia.
Alan set the chins wagging a couple of times at Morecambe Car Club events when he entered a ‘quarry bash’ in a Metro 6R4, and then an autotest at Halton Camp when his chosen vehicle was a Ferrari! He once upset his father when Alan’s car (registration NUK 1 E) appeared, emblazoned on the Sun newspapers ‘Page 3’ – a partially clothed young lady adorning the bonnet. Alan eventually sold the registration to entertainer Roger DeCourcey. Alan was actively involved with Subaru USA and their Motorsport activities prior to moving to Taiwan where he was heavily involved in race circuit design and Motorsport out there. Alan Parkes, R.I.P.