The OSGS (Old Sedberghian Golf Society) exists to encourage links, fellowship and support to and from Sedberghians of all ages, through the shared enjoyment of golf.

There are three regional branches of the OSGS - with Northern, Southern and Scottish Committees. New players are always welcome to join fixtures of any of these branches, regardless of your handicap. If you are interested, Alumni Director Ben Collins would be happy to hear from you.

Regular events in the OSGS calendar include:


  • OS vs. School match - usually in May (Lancaster Golf Club)
  • OS vs. Old Amplefordians at Ganton
  • OS vs. Old Giggleswickians at Fixby
  • OS vs. Old Oundelians at Moortown
  • OS vs. Old Uppinghamians at Ilkley
  • The Map at Ilkley


  • OS vs. Old Alleynians (Dulwich)/Old Lorettonians at New Zealand GC
  • OS vs. Old Amplefordians at Royal Wimbledon GC
  • OS vs. Old Uppinghamians at Royal Wimbledon GC
  • OS vs. Old Wellingtonians at Royal Wimbledon GC
  • OSGS Autumn Meeting for the Hardwick Trophy at Hankley Common GC


  • OS vs. Old Lorettonians at Muirfield
  • OS vs. Old Merchistonians at Prestwick
  • Queen Elizabeth Coronation Schools Competition at the Royal Burgess, Edinburgh

Also, an OS team regularly enters the Grafton Morrish Competition - qualifiers take place in May (usually at Fixby Hall, Huddersfield) and finals take place early October (at Brancaster and Hunstanton GCs).

Please get in touch with Ben Collins (bpc@sedberghschool.org) if you are interested in playing in any of these fixtures.