Harmonisation of the delivery of activities for the OS Club and Sedbergh School Foundation

As we approach the Christmas break, and for those who were unable to attend the OS Club AGM, I write to keep you informed about important developments regarding the OS Club, Foundation, and School.

The Old Sedberghian Club and the Sedbergh School Foundation are long established independent institutions which work in conjunction with Sedbergh School for the betterment of the Sedbergh community. Each has their own mandate; the Club for the support of alumni in their professional careers in conjunction with the celebration of their heritage and lifelong friendships; the Foundation for the raising and stewardship of funds for the purposes of School projects which cannot be supported by fee income alone.

Both are outstanding institutions but over the years it has become increasingly apparent that while each is working hard to engage with the alumni, as they should be, this is causing confusion amongst the Sedbergh community because the distinctions between the different institutions are not always understood.

After many months of consultation between the Club, the Foundation, and the School, a harmonisation of activities has been agreed by the OS Club Committee, the Sedbergh School Foundation’s Trustees, and the Headmaster. These new proposals, set out below, reflect the vision of the Headmaster. They are designed to deliver his strategy of providing a superior, coordinated service for alumni and others in the Sedbergh community, while retaining the independence, strategic or otherwise, of all parties. The proposals are:

  • A new executive body will be created, that of Alumni Relations and Fundraising, to coordinate activities between the Club, the Foundation, and the School, and to deliver on the strategic objectives set by the OS Committee, The Foundation Trustees, and the Headmaster.
  • A new position will be created, the Director of Alumni Relations and Fundraising, who will report to the Headmaster, while coordinating the strategic objectives of all parties in consultation with the respective chairpersons.
  • The position of Foundation Director will be disestablished.
  • The OS Club and Foundation will retain their independence and continue to operate through their Committee/Board of Trustees.

This proposal was presented at the Club’s AGM held on 11th December and was endorsed by the same. However, it is recognised that not everyone could attend and therefore please feel free to contact me (Jan van der Velde janvdvelder@gmail.com) if you have any questions or concerns.

Jan van der Velde

Chairperson, OS Club