So times have moved on somewhat since I was first involved with the OS Committee. Back then, in the ‘90s, the thought of being able to have something written for you by a computer would seem like something from Knight Rider…target audience reference! Yet now, this could be written by AI. And I could save some time. But I haven’t. Honest. Like any Old Sedberghian, I’m not one for cutting corners!
It’s an honour to have been elected as your Chairman and it’s been incredible to see so much to celebrate amongst the amazing achievements of our alumni that we read about on a monthly basis from the newsletter.
With our 500 year celebrations not so much on the horizon, but now less than 12 months away, there are going to be some fantastic opportunities around the UK for OS to be involved in coming together to celebrate the history and heritage of our School.
The proposed change to the motto, discussed by Headmaster Dan Harrison, has understandably elicited a range of opinions. However, the ongoing discussion on this subject provides an opportunity to share thoughts, feedback and suggestions to the school. All members of our community are invited to be involved in this process of discussion as we consider whether a change is appropriate. Please feel free to share your view with me via the OS Office at All opinions all valuable and will be considered.
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed seeing the OS community come together over the last 6 months at the hugely memorable events onboard the Royal Yacht Britannia and HMS Belfast. It was wonderful to welcome an OS event back to Harrogate after a few years’ absence with a new venue and a chance to combine it with the School’s roadshow event. It was also fantastic to see many Old Sedberghians, parents and friends of the School come back to the Wilson Run. The OS Wilson Run Dinner had record numbers and was a fabulous evening in Powell Hall. Do please keep an eye out for details of further events. I urge you to make the effort to go along, bring one of your peers with you or better still, organise a group to attend. The effort is always worthwhile!
Floreat Sedberghia
Duncan Berry (SH 85-91)