We are up and running! An inaugural video call brought us together for the first time online on 14th February and we had a follow up lunch in London on 2nd March for those who were available.
The group, started in December, already numbers more than 50 entrepreneurs, investors and others who want to support OS founders and on the way generate donations to the Sedbergh Foundation. We have had two pitches already from Andrew Philipson (E 99-05) with Jobba a recruiter platform, and Chantal Kinsella (R 05-08) with Kinsella Homes, a new low scale model for dementia care homes, based in York. Both founders received feedback, recommendations and introductions – thanks to all who contributed!
We wish member James Jackson (H 97-02) much luck in completing his Series B financing round for Bumper (bumper.co.uk)
We are looking for OS and Parents who want to help, and OS founders who want guidance and potentially investment! Join us on the Linkedin group OS Startups Forum, or email Andrew Stott at support@osstartups.com