St Andrews Church

Rothy (Pauline Anne) O’Brien

It is with great sadness that the OS Club has learnt that Rothy (Pauline Anne) O’Brien has passed away. Rothy was a much loved member of the OS Community and was a great supporter of Sedbergh School. Her late husband ,David O’Brien was an OS (Hart, 1945-50) and a former governor of the School. The family is steeped in Sedbergh heritage with three generations all attending the School.

The funeral will be held on Thursday 18th July at 2.30 p.m. at St Andrew`s Church, Dent, followed by her burial in the churchyard. A funeral tea will take place at Sedbergh Golf Club (Catholes-Abbot Holme), Millthrop, Sedbergh, LA10 5SS).