

There is nothing finer than watching cricket at Sedbergh on a sunny day. It was while Ben Collins and I were sat eating our ‘99’ flakes from ice-cream laden cones, that we were approached by the new Director of Cricket James ‘Jimmy’ Anyon.

The warmth of the sun had put us all in a good mood and Jimmy had been overcome with regret that others in the world weren’t enjoying life to the same degree as us. To be fair Sedbergh doesn’t often recline in summer glory, so we tried to console him as to this fact, and that having shivered like emperor penguins for the best part of the year, we should not be too hard on ourselves.

Jimmy is a caring soul and would have none of it. He felt that, at the very least, we should use modern technology to broadcast the matches such that mankind would be the richer for it. This conversation turned into a polite request for funds.

Impressed by the earnest expression that Jimmy had adopted Ben and I finished our ice creams, wrote ‘bagged’ on our deckchairs, and went off to the office to do some work.

Nothing concentrates the mind like a close cricket match. Within minutes a generous OS came forth and offered all the money for the camera system. This person wishes to remain anonymous but Ben and I take our knotted hankies off to you. You are a gentleman and a noble son of Sedbergh.

As it was, we only missed one over and we had the opportunity to buy another ’99. Another triumph for the A team.

If you would like to enjoy our sunshine, while watching the cricket, you can view on the School Youtube site HERE.

You can also find the Sedbergh School Cricket Boys-U18A fixture list 2023/24 SEDBERGH SCHOOL CRICKET BOYS-U18A FIXTURE LIST 2023/24 – OS Club.

Jan van der Velde

Lupton House 1977-1982Director of Development