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The Pride in Sedbergh Alliance was started in June 2020 with the intention of supporting and celebrating LGBTQ+ people within the Sedbergh community. As an ‘Alliance’, we welcome all pupils and staff to our meetings to learn more about themselves and how to be good allies to their peers. So far this year, we have learnt about pronouns and how to use them, discussed LGBTQ+ representation in film and TV and celebrated LGBTQ+ History month in February. Pride Alliance is a safe space for pupils to be unapologetically themselves and to learn without judgement.

With a great first year under our belts, we are looking for opportunities for Pride Alliance to grow! A target for this year is to connect current pupils with members of the OS community who support and celebrate LGBTQ+ inclusion. If you wish to be involved in any way or have any suggestions to share, we would love to hear from you!

For young people, it is often thought ‘you can’t be what you can’t see’ so learning about the experiences and successes of Old Sedberghians can be hugely inspiring for our pupils. I believe it is inherently Sedberghian to celebrate the diverse talents, skills and successes of our OS community so it would be remiss to not celebrate diverse identities too.

Millie Westall (she/her)
Sedbergh School Staff

If you are interested in getting involved, please contact Millie Westall via