

The Wilson Run is stuff of legend. The School may have provided a few famous sporting faces, boys and girls, over the years, but ask them all which medal they would all truly want!? The unanimous answer would be the winner’s medal in The Wilson Run.

I last ran it in 1991. Until last week.

A few old lads got up early and ran the course before the main event The Wilson Run with over 200 pupils taking part in the afternoon.

My full back from 1989-1991 Woody Barlow (L 86-91) and our legendary pal Jimmy Gawthorpe (W 85-91) had another crack. The photo above is of Woody and me at Cautley back in 1991, alongside Woody and me at Cautley in 2024!

Watch a video of us on the Wilson Run course:

Happy then and happy now.

It was the most wonderful day seeing old friends with their families celebrating the School’s most famous annual event.

The concert in the evening celebrating all the runners was special. Singing The Long Run and finishing with our famous School song ‘Winder’ had me digging deep into my memory bank!

Special place Sedbergh. Tough place Sedbergh. Happy place Sedbergh.

Will Greenwood